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Dr. Saurabh Kumar is MD in Pediatrics and specializes in Pediatrics and Neonatology. He has an overall of 10+ years experience.
10+ years experience in this field.
Dr Saurabh Kumar, MD in Pediatrics and Fellow in Neonatology from Indraparsth Apollo Hospital, New Delhi. He is a certified Trainer for “Neonatal Resuscitation Programme” of Indian Academy of Pediatrics & National Neonatology Forum.
He is is Professor in Pediatrics at Chirayu Medical College & Hospital, Bhopal and practicing as Consultant Pediatrician & Neonatologist at Hajela Hospital, Bhopal.
MD- Pediatrics from JJMMC, Davangere, Karnataka.
Fellowship in Neonatology from Indraparsth Apollo Hospital, New Delhi.