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Dr. Pravin Gulab Dandekar

Dr Pravin Gulab Dandekar

General Medicine

Dr. Pravin Gulab Dandekar

Dr. Pravin Gulab Dandekar is working as a consultant in Internal Medicine & Critical Care Specialist at Hajela Hospital. He has an experience of more than 10 years of working as a General Physician and 7 years as Critical Care Specialist.

  • male
  • English, Hindi
  • 9575452525
  • Geetanjali Complex, Kotra Sultanabad, Near Mata Mandir, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462003


20+ Years Experience In This Field


Dr. Pravin Gulab Dandekar is working as a consultant in Internal Medicine & Critical Care Specialist in Hajela Hospital.

He has an experience of more than 10 years of working as a General Physician and 7 years as Critical Care Specialist.

He completed his MBBS in 2007 and pursed a Master (M.D) in General Medicine from Gandhi medical College, Bhopal in 2011.

He did Post Graduate Fellowship in Critical Care Medicine from Christian Medical College, Vellore in 2015.


He also worked as assistant professor in GMC Vidisha. He is trained in ACLS & BLS. He has also published paper in various journals.

He also did Post graduate diploma in clinical cardiology, Post graduate Diploma in endocrinology & diabetes, Post graduate diploma in diabetes & renal management from royal college of physicians UK, Fellowship of Diabetes India, Echocardiography Fellowship from CIMS.

He is a life member of Association of Physicians of India & Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine.


Master (M.D) in General Medicine from Gandhi medical College, Bhopal in 2011