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Dr. Rajesh Sood

dr rajesh sood

General and Laproscopic Surgery

Dr. Rajesh Sood

Dr. Rajesh Sood, MS- General Surgery, specializes as Laparoscopic Surgeon . He  has an overall experience of 45+ years.

  • Male
  • English, Hindi
  • 9826075166
  • Geetanjali Complex, Kotra Sultanabad, Near Mata Mandir, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462003


40+ years of experience in surgical field.


Dr. Rajesh Sood, MS (General Surgery), F.I.C.S, F.A.I.S has worked as Chief Surgeon at Coal India Limited.

He has trained in Laparoscopic Surgery from Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi.

He also has Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery from Coimbatore.

AMASI (Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India) and Fellowship of Association of Endo-surgeons of India. He has more than 45 years of experience in surgical field.


MS (General Surgery), F.I.C.S