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Non Disclosure Agreement Harvard Business School

Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) have become an essential tool in safeguarding confidential information for businesses across the world. Harvard Business School (HBS) is no exception. In this article, we`ll explore what an NDA is, why HBS uses them, and what they mean for individuals who may be subject to them.

What is a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)?

A non-disclosure agreement is a legally binding contract between two or more parties that outlines the confidential information they wish to protect. NDAs are commonly used in business to ensure that sensitive information, such as trade secrets, financial data, and customer lists, is not shared or used without permission.

Why does Harvard Business School use NDAs?

Harvard Business School is known for its world-class research and innovative thinking. As such, it is not uncommon for the school to engage in partnerships with businesses, governments, and other organizations to create new products, services, and ideas.

To protect these innovations, HBS may require individuals involved in these projects to sign an NDA. This agreement ensures that any confidential information shared during the project remains private and is not shared with unauthorized parties.

What does an NDA mean for individuals involved in HBS projects?

If you are an individual involved in an HBS project that requires an NDA, it is essential to understand your obligations and responsibilities under the agreement.

First, you are legally bound to keep all confidential information private and not disclose it to anyone outside of the project team. This includes not only sharing the information verbally but also through writing or any other means of communication.

Second, you are not allowed to use or exploit any confidential information for personal gain or outside of the agreed-upon scope of the project. This means you cannot use the information to compete with the project`s partners or use it to create your own product or service.

Finally, it is important to note that NDAs typically have consequences for breach of contract. If you violate the agreement, you may be subject to legal action, fines, and other damages.


Non-disclosure agreements are a critical tool in protecting sensitive information in business, and Harvard Business School is no exception. If you are involved in an HBS project that requires an NDA, it is essential to understand your obligations under the agreement. By doing so, you can help protect HBS`s intellectual property and ensure the success of the project.

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